Table of Contents | Learning by Doing

Using the Move and Zoom effects | Using interactivity, animation, and audio | Using video in your multimedia | Compressing Video and Audio

Using the Move and Zoom effects

  1. Create a new movie by choosing New from the File menu. Set the new movie dimensions to 468x400 and include a sprite track so the Roadster will animate more smoothly.

  2. Select the Layout view by clicking the Layout tab at the top left of the Movie window.

  3. In the Finder, click the background image file and drag it into the Electrifier Pro Movie window.

  4. In Electrifier Pro, click to select the background image actor, and move it to a new position slightly below the center of the movie.
    Tip: If you prefer to move the actor to a specific and exact location, you can enter the numerical coordinates in the Inspector palette. The Horizontal Position used in the example is 234 (half the width of the movie), and the Vertical Position is 215.

  5. In the Finder, click the Roadster image file and drag it into the Electrifier Pro Movie window.

  6. In Electrifier Pro, click the Effects tab of the Modifier palette and scroll down the list to locate the Move effect. Click the Move effect and drag it onto the Roadster. Since you want the Move effect to start immediately and last for as long as the Roadster is visible, leave the Start time and duration at their preset values of 0.0 seconds and Auto, respectively. The Move effect should be From -50 pixels horizontally and 260 pixels vertically, To 790 pixels horizontally and 300 pixels vertically. This will move the roadster from just off the left edge of the movie to just off the right edge of the movie as if it were driving across the screen (allowing for the Zoom effect, which we will apply next). Click Apply to make the changes.

  7. Click the Effects tab of the Modifier palette and scroll down the list of effects to locate the Zoom effect. Click on the Zoom effect and drag it onto the Roadster in the Movie window. Since you want the Zoom effect to start immediately and last for as long as the Roadster is visible, leave the Start time and duration at their preset values of 0.0 seconds and Auto, respectively. Set the horizontal and vertical From values to 10% and the horizontal and vertical To values to 150%. 100% is the original size of the Roadster, so you will be zooming it to half again as large. Click Apply to make the changes.

  8. To view the movie that you have created, click the Preview tab in the Movie window, and click the Play button in the Movie controller at the bottom of the the Movie window to run the animation.

For more information

For detailed information about Electrifier Pro's effects and actions, see the Modifier palette section of the Window and Palette Reference.

Using the Move and Zoom effects | Using interactivity, animation, and audio | Using video in your multimedia | Compressing Video and Audio

Copyright © 1998 Electrifier, Inc. All rights reserved.